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Cornerstone SVN

Enabling Collaboration with SparkleShare

Project content sharing just got easier with Git-powered SparkleShare!

SparkleShare is no longer supported by Planio. We recommend Planio Storage instead.

Looking for easy content sharing between project members? Want to quickly share content on your local file system with your Planio project’s repository? Look no further, as SparkleShare is here! SparkleShare is an exciting open source app that enables automatic file syncing and version control from the comfort of your own computer. Your folders can easily be synced with a Git repository in a Planio project and, consequently, with all other project members as well. Let the collaboration begin!

Content Sharing Made Easy

SparkleShare is an awesome new tool that puts you and your project members back in control of content sharing. There’s no more need to rely on commercially-available content sharing platforms, as SparkleShare is 100% free, open source, and easy to configure. The app works by using the Git protocol to create a shared space between a local folder and your Planio project’s repository. In short, SparkleShare enables you and your team members to enjoy an automatically synced environment for your project collaboration!

Local folder synced with Planio via SparkleShare
Local folder synced with Planio via SparkleShare

Configuration is a Snap!

Setting up SparkleShare is quite easy and requires only a few clicks of the mouse. Post-download and installation, a small SparkleShare icon appears in the notification area on your screen — simply click the icon and select SparkleShareAdd Hosted Project. After that, it’s only a matter of selecting Planio and specifying your project repository’s address and remote path. That’s it! All of your local work will now be automatically synced with your Git repository in your Planio’s project and will be available to all project members.

Specifying Planio as a hosting location
Specifying Planio as a hosting location
Download SparkleShare for free

Supported platforms: Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux

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