Jory MacKay
Jory is a writer, content strategist and award-winning editor of the Unsplash Book. He contributes to Inc., Fast Company, Quartz, and more.
August 06, 2024 · 8 min read

What is analysis paralysis (and how to overcome it)

What is analysis paralysis (and how to overcome it)

Making decisions is hard work. When you combine conflicting stakeholder opinions, complex data sets, and tight deadlines, it’s no surprise that 85% of us suffer from decision-making distress.

Analysis paralysis restricts our ability to make effective decisions, rendering us stuck in the mud as overthinking and complexity take over. But we simply can’t afford to be stuck for long. Left unchecked, analysis paralysis limits our progress, creates risk, and delays the achievement of critical objectives.

If you’re a startup founder, project manager, or team lead struggling to make decisions, then this article is for you.

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Below, we’ll look at what analysis paralysis is, what causes it, warning signs that you’re struggling with it, and a step-by-step guide on how to break free and turn effective decision-making into a walk in the park.

What is analysis paralysis? When does it happen?

Analysis paralysis is the feeling we experience when we become overwhelmed by the volume and complexity of decisions. This paralysis kicks in when we overthink the decision’s variables and solutions, rendering us unable to actually make a decision that enables the team to move forward.

Ultimately, no one likes getting a decision wrong, so when we’re in situations that are too complex, we idle rather than putting our foot down to take a calculated risk.

Analysis paralysis is underpinned by other psychological traits, such as perfectionism, anxiety, and imposter syndrome.

Illustration in blues and blacks showing the cycle of analysis paralysis. It starts with a new decision to make, moves to
Source: getinflow

The good news is that not all decisions lead to analysis paralysis. Typically, it’s irreversible, long-term decisions (known as “type 1” decisions) that cause us the most distress. Let’s take a deeper look at type 1 decisions and how they compare to more basic decisions we’re asked to make (known as “type 2” decisions).

Type 1 decision Type 2 decision
Description Strategic decisions often made by managers and executives. Day-to-day operational decisions, often made by junior managers and employees.
Impact Lead to long-term high-impact changes. Lead to short-term, low-impact changes.
Reversibility Difficult or nearly impossible to reverse. Easy to reverse.
How they’re made Requires detailed analysis and inputs from SMEs. Requires fewer inputs, sometimes made on gut feel.
A practical example Deciding to expand a company’s presence by opening a new office in another region. Selecting the product features to be included in the next 2-week development sprint.

Type 1 decisions are a big deal, and at times, it can be difficult to tell if you’re correctly taking your time and doing your due-diligence or struggling with analysis paralysis. Learning the difference comes with experience, but there are some existing traits you may already have that increase your chances of succumbing to paralysis.

5 lesser-known factors that cause analysis paralysis

Analysis paralysis can happen to anyone. When work gets busy and the pressure builds, it’s hard to remain calm under pressure. This is when paralysis sets in, as the weight of decision-making becomes simply too much to handle.

But stress is just one of the triggers of analysis paralysis. Let’s look at some other lesser-known factors that may cause your decision-making to grind to a halt.

5 lesser-known factors that cause analysis paralysis

The productivity consequences of analysis paralysis

While it’s easy to see the short-term consequences of analysis paralysis, left unchecked the impacts can actually extend outwards across the entire team.

Here are some symptoms and warning signs to look for that indicate the effects of analysis paralysis are spreading:

How to avoid analysis paralysis and make hard decisions easier

The good news is that analysis paralysis can be defeated by implementing a logical, time-driven approach.

Let’s walk through an 8-step process that you can use to help spot and overcome analysis paralysis and make the best decisions for your business.

1. Spot paralysis-inducing decisions early

Not all decisions lead to analysis paralysis. The first step is to identify whether what you’re facing is a type 1 or type 2 decision. If it’s type 2, there’s nothing stopping you from pushing on; but a type 1 decision requires careful planning and consideration.

Actionable steps to take:

The ability to make big decisions is what separates the best leaders and the best companies.

2. Create psychological safety for you and the team

No decision comes without consequence, so you need to create an environment that accepts risk and enables you to make the best decision. Work with your manager and team to create psychological safety around the decision to keep anxiety and stress levels down.

Actionable steps to take:

3. Set a realistic deadline to make the decision

To avoid analysis paralysis, you must give yourself a target to aim for. Without a hard deadline, decision-making can rumble on forever, opening the door for indecision, delays, and issues.

Actionable steps to take:

4. Choose a decision-making framework

No matter the change you’re deciding on, everything in project management is easier when you follow a set framework. This is equally true when it comes to decision-making, with several well-known frameworks in place to guide you through the process.

Actionable steps to take:

5. Become a “satisficer”, not a “maximizer”

In all walks of life, people tend to lean towards being a maximizer (someone who always wants the most) or a satisficer (someone who’s happy with things being good enough). When it comes to big decisions, satisficers win as they brush off perfectionism and overthinking to avoid paralysis.

Actionable steps to take:

6. Involve your team and external experts

The best decisions are made when you combine expertise and consensus. Bring your team into the decision-making process to build trust and benefit from different perspectives. For really big decisions, external experts can contribute a knowledgeable, outside view that can really help.

Actionable steps to take:

7. Leverage as many data points as possible

The key to making objective decisions is to use data and facts rather than opinion and emotion. While too much data can be overwhelming, critical data on timings, costs, risks, and benefits help provide a rounded picture, showing the upsides and pitfalls of big decisions.

Actionable steps to take:

Screenshot of a Planio issue showing how you can prepare an issue for announcing a decision
Planio gives your team a single place to collaborate and share ideas, lessons learned, and best practices to help you consider all the factors that go into a big decision.

8. Make a decision, stick to it, and lead from the front

With the culture, timeline, framework, people, and data in place, push forward to make your decision quickly and effectively. To overcome paralysis, once you’ve made your decision, you must stick to it and push forward towards success.

Actionable steps to take:

Analysis paralysis restricts our ability to make effective decisions, rendering us stuck in the mud and delays the achievement of critical objectives.

The bottom line: Don’t get paralyzed when making decisions

The ability to make big decisions is what separates the best leaders and the best companies. But when decisions are overwhelming, it can cause paralysis that limits our progress, creates risk, and delays the achievement of critical objectives.

As we go about our decision-making, it’s hard to know if we’re paralyzed or simply doing our due-diligence. But if you’re shooting for the perfect solution, doubting yourself, and feeling anxious, there’s a good chance analysis paralysis is in your way.

But, like many things in business life, overcoming analysis paralysis is easier with a set framework that combines the process, people, and data you need to succeed.

Planio helps you and your team stay organized when making big decisions, allowing you to quickly see how decisions will impact your team’s workload, product roadmap, and company goals.

Try Planio with your own team — free for 30 days (no credit card required!)