Desirée Themsfeldt, Designer
I make sure our web site and marketing material looks awesome. What not everyone knows about me: I have been dancing to German Hip Hop on national TV.
I make sure our web site and marketing material looks awesome. What not everyone knows about me: I have been dancing to German Hip Hop on national TV.
I make sure that Planio works great in every browser and on every device. What not everyone knows about me: At age 13, I finished third in a prawn peeling contest on Langeoog.
I’m here to guide you through Planio’s features and functionalities and help find solutions to all your issues. What not everyone knows about me: I lived in both Reykjavik and Tokyo and have seen the Northern Lights twice - on land and from a plane.
I care for happy customers and an even better Planio. What not everyone knows about me: I make the best pancakes and the best lasagna in the world.
I make sure that everything behind the scenes at Planio runs very smoothly. What not everyone knows about me: I love Flat White and I work on Open Source projects even in my spare time.
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I launched Planio in 2009 and am responsible for our growth strategy. What not everyone knows about me: I love it when my plan works.
I develop high-performance solutions for Planio with great attention to detail. What not everyone knows about me: No one travels more than I do.
I create Planio’s conceptual and visual appearance. What not everyone knows about me: I love the German letter ß so much that I travelled all the way to Iceland to speak at a conference about it.