Delegate like a pro

How to Delegate Like a Pro

Maddy Osman
June 09, 2017

It might surprise you to hear that you don’t have to do everything. And if you have employees or dedicated team members, you really shouldn’t do everything. While there are some things that you feel particularly responsible for regarding the final...

Persuade people

The best ways to persuade people

Belle Beth Cooper
January 25, 2017

I get really nervous about asking people for things. I hate confrontation, and I find it uncomfortable to ask for a favor or to try to persuade someone of my point of view. It turns out, I'm not alone. Most people don't like asking others for favors...

Tetris high score

QA in Software Engineering

Thomas Carney
January 09, 2017

"tetris" by Nicolas Esposito, CC BY 2.0 When software crashes, you are increasingly likely to lose more than your high score in Tetris. Our cars, our airplanes, and health care systems all rely more and more on software. As Marc Andreessen says,...